It's always a privilege to be working with customers, but especially so when they run their own business and are in a position to sing my praises on their own share of the internet.
Here's one of those cases: my friend Clare Goldfinch of the Healthy Body Happy Mind Project has recently called me into her home to help her out with her kitchen. After moving she had ended up in a situation where her kitchen was inundated with stuff that had to shift as she uses her kitchen for workshops... well, that is what ClutterMeister is for. Rather than telling you the story myself, I invite you to read the full post on Clare's website. And while you are there, why not have a look at her Project? There might be something else in it for you! In addition, Clare is also the mastermind behind a radio interview with me. Maybe give it a moment to listen to and get inspired to move forward.
Ask the ClutterMeisterHi, my name is Tilo Flache. My mission: help clients declutter mind and space.
This blog contains pointers for your journey towards a happier living experience. If you want to share a post, please add a link to the original post. Thanks. Archives
February 2025